Wednesday, June 16, 2010

try, I try, try, try, try, try
till I cry, cry, cry, cry, cry
wish I could die

I let out a sigh
and look to the sky
asking god why
why I'm alive

why am I alive?
why am I alive?
why am I alive?
why am I alive? ect....

edit: I wrote this post/song when I was deeply depressed. Sorry for the bummer, but hey man, for every drop of glee in me there's a drop of *worlds smallest violin* boo-hoo-hoo hiding in there somewhere too. It's gotta come out sometimes or I'd probably explode. Or implode. One of those things.

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Dear Land-Lady (If that really IS your name...)

Was that you that just knocked on my door randomly? Again? Let's talk about this. Can you PLEASE NOT DO THAT? Every time you knock on our door, one of three scenarios lead me to not answer.

I am usually:

A. Asleep, or,
B. Nude, or,

Please consider leaving a note or something like a normal Land-Lady, or I will be forced to continue to make fun of you for taking mushrooms and going to Bonaroo.

